Why Should Americans Be Outraged by Ted Yoho’s Actions?

Moriel Mcduffy
3 min readJul 27, 2020


Image by Stopsnaps and Pixabay.com

If you follow the news, then you heard about Representative Ted Yoho accosting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). He insulted her with two words that have the initials F and B. One reason Yoho exploded is because of AOC’s views on crime. One of those views is that when people are hungry, crime increases. AOC addressed Yoho and shamed him and his colleague that did nothing to quell the situation. She highlighted the Misogyny that exists in Congress. However, I want to analyze crime from a social science perspective. There is an association between crime and poverty, where you see high poverty; you also see high crime. As poverty increases, crime increases. We call this a positive relationship. A positive relationship occurs when one variable (poverty) increases; another variable also increases (crime). Various research documents the relationship between crime and poverty. Crime and poverty’s relationship exist across gender, race, and ethnicity. There is no difference whether, your White Black, Latino, Asian, or Native American. Crime still rises when poverty increases. Those living under the poverty line often have issues with nutrition. If people are desperate to meet basic needs such as nutrition, some will turn to crime to supplement their income.



Moriel Mcduffy

Dr. Moriel McDuffy has has a Ph.D. in Psychology. He has over 25 years of experience working with communities, and educating at multiple Universities.