What Do Some Members of Congress Mean When They Say Healing the Nation?

Moriel Mcduffy
4 min readJan 14, 2021

By Dr. Moriel McDuffy

Photo by Aaron Kittredge on Pexels.com

As I watch Congress debate impeachment, a theme has emerged. Many Republican Congressional leaders are saying impeachment will further divide the nation. Some say it is an interesting debate. However, it’s an easy decision to impeach. You can tell who people are during a crisis. America is in the middle of multiple crises, and many republican congressional representatives have arguments against impeachment. I debunked a few of their arguments below.

There is no comparison with Black Lives Matter (BLM)

Some congressional representatives noted that Democrats did not denounce the violence during the BLM protest. They also compared BLM protest to the Trump Insurrection. However, this is untrue. Many Democratic congressional representatives denounced the violence. However, the Black Lives Matter protest has peaceful protesters but attracts opportunists who want to loot local businesses for personal gain. BLM has never tried to take over a government building. Conversely, social media evidence of white supremacist groups show plans to overthrow the legal government to help Trump maintain his power.

BLM showed no such evidence or behavior indicative of a government takeover. Conversely, Trump supporters who descended on the Michigan…



Moriel Mcduffy

Dr. Moriel McDuffy has has a Ph.D. in Psychology. He has over 25 years of experience working with communities, and educating at multiple Universities.