Does Social Media Effect Your Mental Health?

Moriel Mcduffy
2 min readJul 15, 2021

By Dr. Moriel McDuffy

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Social Media is a relatively new technology, and there is not much research on how it affects our mental health. There are some obvious benefits of social media, including increased communication between long distance friends, helps others to feel connected, and can be positive for those who are lonely. However, social media can also be hurtful in certain situations.


Adolescents put a lot of emphasis on social media and the number of friends they have on each platform. Plenty of bullying occurs on various social media platforms. The same reach you have to maintain connections with long-distance friends is also used to bully others from a distance. While Adolescent bullying if common online. Many adults have also received threatening hateful messages or passive-aggressive cryptic statements on social media platforms. Comment sections are notoriously known for off-color remarks and hateful statements. Online bullying can trigger depressed moods, anxiety, shame, or anger.

Everything is Not Real

Many know that social media is a place for people to display their best moments or carefully crafted ones. More than one social media influencer has been caught perpetrating a luxurious lifestyle when they really live a meager one. Most people do not tell you about the day-to-day problems they have. In fact, some people put a lot of effort into being social media superstars and displaying an image that reflects a desirable lifestyle. Those who understand that there is a fakeness to social media will avoid the pitfalls of comparing themselves to people based on what others post. However, some people believe social media represents real life. For them, social media represents a bar that cannot be met. Comparing yourself to others is always a losing proposition, and when you compare yourself to people who only show their best moments and sometimes manufactured ones, you will cause your self mental distress. Trying to chase someone else’s dream instead of your own will destroy the contentment of your life. Happiness will only seem possible when you reach a dream that only exist on social media. Getting too caught up in social media can cause anxiety and depression. It is important to realize that social media contains some false imagery.

What Can I Do?

Always be mindful that everything on social media is not real. People may look good in various ways, but they will never expose all of their day-to-day struggles. Know that everyone has struggles, and things are never as glamorous as they look in cyberspace. If social media affects you, take a break. Try to limit your circle to positive peers, and never be afraid to use the block feature for people who try to affect your mood.

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Moriel Mcduffy

Dr. Moriel McDuffy has has a Ph.D. in Psychology. He has over 25 years of experience working with communities, and educating at multiple Universities.